Motion for revision no. JOG/61/2023
Cikk publikálásának ideje:
In its decision no. 01000/2135/2023.bü., the Economic Crime Division of the Budapest Police Headquarters terminated the proceedings against unknown person for the suspicion of misappropriation of funds resulting in considerable financial loss, as no criminal act could be established on the basis of the available data or evidence.
The Integrity Authority submitted a motion for revision against the decision of the investigating authority that had terminated the proceedings, and proposed that the decision of the investigating authority be abrogated and the proceedings be resumed.
An article published on an online portal, which forms the basis for the complaint in the case, reads that the former head of the organising company of the World Athletics Championship had signed, on his last day at work, a service agreement worth HUF 260 million for referee training purposes.
Based on the Authority’s motion for revision submitted on 1 September 2023, it can be established that the investigating authority did not perform any detailed data-gathering activity and failed to perform several investigative acts, despite the fact that several suspicious circumstances had emerged in the case, the investigation of which would have been necessary, such as in particular:
- the question of the obligation to apply the Public Procurement Act,
- the examination of the ownership structure of Budapest 2023 Atlétikai Világbajnokság Szervező Nonprofit Zrt.,
- the comparative examination of the costs of the referee training,
- the question of accounting for the grants
The Central District Court of Buda admitted the motion for revision put forward by the Authority and abrogated the decision of the investigating authority. Therefore, by court order, the investigation continues without a separate decision.
The case is still pending.