Closed investigations
Closing of investigation no. VIZSG_27_2023 – abuse involving funds for fishponds in Nógrád County
The Integrity Authority has filed a complaint with the National Tax and Customs Administration (NTCA) on the suspicion of budget fraud and the use of forged private documents concerning three projects that have received a total of HUF 487 million in European Union grants as part of the Hungarian Fisheries Operational Programme (MAHOP) in the villages of Kazár and Mátraverebély, located in Nógrád County.
The Integrity Authority is filing a complaint for budget fraud and money laundering committed in a criminal organisation, mismanagement, and agreement in restraint of competition in public procurement procedures, following the conclusion of its investigation into four EU-funded projects supported under the Operational Programme for Supporting Socially Disadvantaged Persons (RSZTOP). The Authority’s investigation has verified an overpricing totaling HUF 10.2 billion in two of the four projects: the Directorate General for Social Affairs and Child Protection (DGSACS), the beneficiary of the grant, worked together with suppliers that charged extremely high rates for basic food commodities.
The failure of the Project titled “Employment Association – Bridge to the World of Labour” was caused by mismanagement on the part of the National Roma Self-Government (ORÖ) and the negligence of the Ministry of Human Capacities (EMMI), the managing authority of the European Union funding programme at the time, finds an investigation by the Integrity Authority. Mismanagement and a negligent “proprietorial” attitude inflicted a minimum of HUF 1.3 billion worth of damage to Hungarian taxpayers. The omissions, errors, and shortcomings are summarised in 13 points in the Authority’s report, which highlights the superficiality in the project’s financial and professional planning, along with the disregard of the State Audit Office’s findings. The Authority also provides recommendations to avoid similar cases in the future.
The Integrity Authority has concluded an investigation into project no. TOP-2.1.2-15-HB1-2016-00008, titled “Building a green community in Tiszacsege”, which was implemented by the Municipality of Tiszacsege as beneficiary.
Closing of investigation no. IH_III_111_2023 – fruit-processing plant in Szente
Following up on a notification, the Integrity Authority has conducted an ex officio investigation into project no. VP-1787249974, which was supported under the call for applications titled “VP-4.2.1-15 - Increasing the value of agricultural products and promoting resource efficiency in processing”. The objective of this project was to construct a small distillery plant in the village of Szente to develop fruit processing capacities. The project’s total worth amounted to HUF 67.9 million, with HUF 33.9 million sourced from European Union funds, of which HUF 25.7 million had already been disbursed to the beneficiary.
Closing of investigation no. III_51_1_2023 – tenders for solar panel installation
The Integrity Authority has found that several companies dealing in solar panels had engaged in collusive practices in European Union tenders, thereby restricting competition. Therefore, the Authority has turned to the Hungarian Competition Authority.
The Integrity Authority has launched an investigation ex officio into two GINOP (the EU’s business development programme) and two Rural Development Programme (RDP) projects of three Tolna County-based companies. The three companies received a total of HUF 1.3 billion in funding from the four projects.
Closing of investigation No. III_86_2023 – cattle farm modernisation
The Integrity Authority has launched an ex-officio investigation into the EU-funded project for the renovation of a cattle farm in Tófalu, owned by Biogas Productor Kft. (call for proposals No. VP2- “Modernisation of cattle farms”). The investment received a grant of HUF 468,205,586 which, bar HUF 2 million, was called by the beneficiary.
The Integrity Authority conducted an investigation ex officio concerning the project entitled “Development of village accommodations in Pétervására”, referenced as VP-1851543333 and funded by the European Union with HUF 49,652,796 as part of the Rural Development Programme, the beneficiary of which was István Eged, mayor of Pétervására.
Closing of investigation No. IH_III_59_2023 – systemic investigation of canopy walkway projects
The Integrity Authority has conducted a systemic investigation concerning European Union applications submitted within the framework of the call entitled “Development of free public welfare functions of forest ecosystems”: this call became known through the “canopy walkway applications”. The total fund available for the programme is HUF 1.61 billion.
Closing of investigation No. IH_III_2_2022 – Procurement of Microsoft products
The scope of the official investigation covered five projects partially realised from European Union funds that had already been investigated by OLAF as well.
The financial corrections imposed by the European Commission concerning framework agreements for the construction of water utilities with a total value of HUF 420 billion will be borne by the national budget instead of the beneficiaries.
Infrastructural developments in Szálka – investigation summary
Following up on reports, the Integrity Authority has conducted an investigation into three, EU-funded development projects that took place in the village of Szálka, Tolna county. The municipality of the village was awarded a total of HUF 316,316,560 of European Union grant for the developments. The possibility that the developments serve private interests instead of community interests arose during the investigation.
Infrastructural development assistance for a school in Babócsa – investigation summary
Based on a report, the Authority has concluded the investigation launched into project no. EFOP-4.1.2-17-2017-00032 entitled “Infrastructural development in Gábor Andor Elementary School” of the Kaposvár School District Centre. In view of the outcome of the investigation, the Integrity Authority recommends that the approximately HUF 800 million that has not yet been disbursed in the project not be paid.
Procurement of conflict management training in Derecske – investigation summary
A report raised suspicions of irregularity concerning the procurement procedure of a conflict management training conducted by the Municipality of Derecske.