Repeated motion for revision
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If the competent court abrogates the contested decision based on the motion for revision submitted by the Authority, the investigation is launched or a proceeding continues without a separate decision. In doing so, the public prosecutor’s office or investigating authority continues the proceedings based on the provisions of the court order.
If the public prosecutor’s office or investigating authority terminates the proceedings, the Authority is entitled to put forward a repeated motion for revision.
The public prosecutor’s office or investigating authority that adopted the conclusive decision sends the justified repeated motion for revision and related documents to the competent court.
The court either rejects the motion for revision or, where well-founded, concludes that the indictment may be ascertained instead of abrogating the decision concerned by the repeated motion for revision. The Authority cannot submit an indictment. If a repeated motion for revision was submitted only by the Authority, any natural or non-natural person, excluding the state and organisations exercising public authority, can submit an indictment.