Buda Castle
Statue of the Archangel Gabriel
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We believe that a peaceful and uplifting future can only be built on honour and mutual trust
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We monitor the legal use of EU funds
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The Hungarian Integrity Authority is an autonomous public administrative institution
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Integrity Authority

The Hungarian Integrity Authority is an autonomous public administration body. The Authority shall take action in all cases where the Authority considers that an organisation, including a contracting party, vested with functions and powers regarding the use, or the control of the use, of European Union funds has not taken the necessary steps to prevent, detect and correct fraud, conflicts of interest, corruption and other illegalities or irregularities that affect or seriously risk affecting the sound financial management of the European Union budget or the protection of the financial interests of the European Union. The Authority shall have powers, in particular, as regards any planned, ongoing or past measures and projects receiving, in part or in whole, financial support from the European Union.

In particular, the Authority shall be competent for planned, ongoing or previous actions or projects receiving full or partial financial assistance from the European Union.

We believe that a peaceful and uplifting future can only be built on honour and mutual trust

Latest blog posts

  • The Authority has published the full letter regarding its proposed legal amendments

    The Integrity Authority, in relation to an article originally published on 444.hu about a letter written by the Authority’s President to the Ministry of Justice, has requested the following to ensure comprehensive and balanced information: ‘Dear Editorial Board, Dear Balázs Kaufmann, In the interest of balanced reporting, I am hereby asking you to publish the…


  • International Partnerships: Programmes in the First Quarter

    International Partnerships: Programmes in the First Quarter

    Bolstering the Integrity Authority’s relationship with international partners, as well as cooperating with European Union partner authorities and internationally recognised organisations involved in the global fight against corruption remain key objectives in the first half of 2025. The Authority’s international programmes planned for the first quarter of 2025 are scheduled as follows: Integrity Academy: youth…


  • Summary and statement of the criminal case of Ferenc Biró

    Summary and statement of the criminal case of Ferenc Biró

    Recent events concerning Ferenc Biró, President of the Hungarian Integrity Authority On January 16, 2025, the Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation (CCPOI) launched criminal proceedings against the president of Hungary’s Integrity Authority, Ferenc Biró, accusing him of misappropriation of funds and abuse of office. The CCPOI conducted searches at several locations, including the Integrity…


  • Knowledge sharing and common approach in the agreement between the Hungarian and Romanian anti-corruption agencies

    Knowledge sharing and common approach in the agreement between the Hungarian and Romanian anti-corruption agencies

    Ferenc Pál Biró, President of the Integrity Authority of Hungary and Florin Moise, the President of the National Integrity Agency of Romania signed a Memorandum of Understanding, at the 23rd EPAC/EACN Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly. The two national anti-corruption institutions agreed to explore areas of common interest, to join forces and work together…



The use of EU funds in the public interest is a shared concern.

For this reason, we welcome any information that can help us to detect fraud, conflict of interest, corruption or other wrongdoing or irregularities in EU funding.

The Integrity Authority can currently investigate cases upon report or complaint. The Authority acts upon each report or complaint.

On our whistleblowing platform providing anonimity you may report any information on the use or control of EU funds:

• about fraud
• conflict of interest
• corruption
• other wrongdoing or malpractice.

You may report a fraud or make complaint ine-mail:


Click here to report a fraud anonimously (optional) on our whistleblowing platform.