Corruption, a risk to sovereignty

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The President of the Integrity Authority Ferenc Biró wrote an op-ed on, the title of which is: “Corruption, a risk to sovereignty: a.k.a. he who is for sale, anyone can buy him”

The article was written on the occasion of the international anti-corruption conference held in Vilnius, Lithuania. In his writing, the President starts by comparing anti-corruption efforts in Baltic countries and Hungary, then proceeds to compare their impact on the economy. He writes, “I do not believe it comes as a surprise to anyone that in 2024 the economies of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia display a much healthier picture compared to ours. The fact that they have chosen a much more successful method of dealing with corruption compared to our country plays a major role in this (since Baltic countries seemingly recognise and manage the problem). 

The careful (and effective) management of public resources and the nation’s desire to firmly repel corruption are directly linked to boosting economic performance and competitiveness, and building tangible resilience in the national economy.

This is what lays down the economic foundations for a truly sovereign, welfare society.

The full article is available here.