Joint Statement at the International Anti-Corruption Conference

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A joint statement has been issued at the International Anti-Corruption Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. The delegates of the high-level meeting of law enforcement and anti-corruption authorities, including the Hungarian Integrity Authority, stand united in their commitment to combatting high-level corruption and upholding the rule of law.

21st International Anti-Corruption Conference

High-Level Meeting of Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Authorities

20 June 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania


As heads and senior representatives of national and international law enforcement and anti-corruption authorities, who gathered at the 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference on 18-21 June 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania, we stand united in our commitment to combatting high-level corruption and upholding the rule of law. Corruption at the highest levels of government and business infringes human rights, undermines the rule of law, erodes public trust, distorts economic markets, hampers sustainable development efforts and might even threaten security and stability of a particular state or region.

In accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption and other relevant international instruments, to the extent each state (organisation) is bound to, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity in all aspects of governance. We call all national and international law enforcement and anti-corruption authorities to work together to strengthen investigative and prosecutorial capabilities to hold accountable those who engage in corrupt practices at the highest levels of power.

We emphasize the importance of international cooperation and information sharing in combating high-level corruption. We reaffirm the need to enhance collaboration among law enforcement agencies and anti-corruption authorities to effectively detect, investigate and prosecute cases of high-level corruption across borders.

We recognise the critical importance of enhancing skills, allocating resources, and implementing effective strategies to detect well-hidden, sophisticated schemes of high-level corruption and associated financial flows. The evolving nature of corruption demands a multifaceted approach that leverages advanced technological tools, specialised expertise, and international cooperation.

We highlight the need for continuous training and capacity-building programs to equip law enforcement agencies and anti-corruption authorities with the necessary skills and tools to uncover complex corruption schemes. Investing in cutting-edge forensic capabilities, data analytics, and financial intelligence is paramount to staying ahead of increasingly sophisticated methods employed by corrupt actors.

We recognise the complexities involved in holding powerful individuals and entities accountable for corrupt practices, including legal loopholes and political influence. To overcome these challenges, we advocate for robust legal frameworks, strengthened investigative capacities, and independent judicial systems.

We reaffirm the need to protect whistleblowers and create a safe environment for individuals to report instances of high-level corruption without fear of retaliation. Whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing corruption and holding perpetrators accountable.

We recognize the need to engage with civil society and the private sector in our efforts to combat high-level corruption. By working together in a spirit of partnership and collaboration, we can strengthen our collective impact and advance our shared goal of encouraging transparency and promoting integrity in public life.

Together, we pledge to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct, accountability, and transparency in our own institutions. We will lead by example and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to combatting high-level corruption wherever it may occur.

Jointly endorsed by heads and senior representatives from –

International organisations, bodies and agencies:    
Interpol Eurojust  
European Public Prosecutor’s Office  
National authorities:    
Argentina Administrative Investigations Office
Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Estonia Internal Security Service
France National Financial Prosecution Office
France Central Office against Corruption and Financial and Tax crimes
Georgia Anti-Corruption Bureau
Hungary Hungarian Integrity Authority
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
Italy Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (A.N.A.C.)
Kosovo Agency for Prevention of Corruption
Jordan Integrity & Anticorruption Commission
Latvia Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau
Lithuania Special Investigation Service
Lithuania Prosecutor General’s Office
Malawi Anti-Corruption Bureau
Moldova National Anti-Corruption Center
Moldova Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office
Poland Central Anticorruption Bureau
Seychelles Anti-Corruption Commission
South Africa National Prosecuting Authority
Ukraine National Agency on Corruption Prevention
United Kingdom Serious Fraud Office
United States of America Department of Justice
United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigations
Zambia Anti-Corruption Commission
